Jeremy Jowell

The following is an interview with Jeremy Jowell, a photojournalist. Jeremy is a South African-based freelance photojournalist. His work comprises a package of writing and photography with the emphasis on travel, lifestyle and interviews.
His Work
His Bio
1. What is photojournalism?
it is the art of taking photos that will tell a story.
2. Tell why you have chosen a career in photojournalism?
because it beats accountancy, which is what I used to do .. and also because it is gratifying to be able to convey a message and a meaning and emotion by pictures and words to a reader. (I do both photography and writing, mainly for magazines of travel, etc...)
3. Explain the history to how you became interested in photography/ photojournalism.
was doing accountancy but had always taken pics as a hobby. Left to live in Joburg and changed careers then by starting to work for a weekly newspaper taking pics and writing. Then left them to go fulltime freelance.
4. How have you gone about obtaining an education in photojournalism?
by trial and error - by taking pics and learning as I go along .. and also reading photography magazines and speaking to people and by having an open mind...
5. Discuss the jobs you’ve held on you way to where you are in your career now.
first in accounting field, then fulltime for weekly newspaper photographing and writing then freelance for magazines, plus also social events, brochures, etc...
6. What kind of time, emotional stress, and resources are required for a career in photojournalism.
time: flexible, often no work and sometimes long hours, there's no regular hours involved in photojuornalism.
emotional stress: varies; at times you have to have a thick skin and be prepared to stand up to editors, etc...
resources; photography is expensive because of equipment and you need plus at times you might not have a regular income as it is either busy or not busy at all.
7. Tell about a time when you felt discouraged in your career.
at first it takes time to make contacts and you have to be patient to build them up.
8. Explain what you think is most rewarding, "pros," about a career as a photojournalist.
it's very creative and satisfying to see your work in print and know that people are getting pleasure by seeing your work. Also there's not many jobs where one gets paid to be in nature or up at sunrise and to get paid for doing something you love.
9. What are a few of the bad aspects, "cons," of a career as a photojournalist?
not regular income; editors try take advantage of photogs and writers;
10. What types of stories have you visually documented? Which type are your favorite and why?
lots about fishing villages, lots of travel stories, nature, landscapes, . My favourite are to do with people but also these days more and more about art and landscapes. I've just had a photo exhibition of Namibian landscapes of which I'll attach a few pics to this e-mail. [the first photo, and following photos]

11. Do you think a career in photojournalism can provide for you efficiently? For a family?
debatable question: not many people will get rich by being a photojournalist; only the very elite will make a regular good income from it. I try have a finger in several pies.
12. Do you feel that a career in photojournalism is a competitive one? What types of jobs are available?
yes, very competitive. It's all to do with how you market yourself however. You can be the best photog or writer but if you don't market yourself properly, you may as well not even start.